Sunday, June 28, 2020

13h Sunday in Ordinary Time

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time 
Mt 10:37-42

Today's Gospel reading from Matthew is not an easy one on which to preach.  Oddly, over thirteen years I've never preached on these particular verses.  Apparently I've been in hiding on the 13th Sunday in Ordinary time every time Matthew came around in the lectionary. Overall, it was a good idea to hide.  As I was puzzling over how to approach the gospel I got a text from Fr. Peter Li Jiang-tao, a Chinese friend, asking if I could read over and edit his homily.  He recently moved into a parish just down the street from the theology school and had today's 8 AM Mass, I pretty much had to interrupt my work to get his done so he could put in the corrections.  We had both been working on the same gospel at the same time.  I was still in the scrawling unrelated thoughts and smacking my forehead phase while he was finished.   A teenage experience illustrated the difficulty preaching on this narrative.

'When I was a teenager I invited a friend to go to my parish for Mass.  He was interested in Christianity and wanted to learn more about it.  I remember that the Gospel passage was Luke's parallel to this passage.   As we walked home my friend said, "Hey, Jiang-tao, I have learned about the teachings of Confucius, Buddha, and Lao-zi.  None of them ever taught their followers to carry a cross and hate their parents and relatives.  Why did Jesus teach in such a way.  It is too harsh for his followers."  Peter's friend was correct.  It is harsh. It is off-putting.  

In his version of this teaching Luke wrote, "If anyone who comes to me and does not take up his cross and hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple."  As we just heard, Matthew softened the sentiment a bit by writing, "Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me."  However, both commands are harsh no matter if they are proclaimed in Mandarin or English.  Both versions can cause us to bristle. Both are difficult sayings that we have to work through. 

Peter noted that it took years in college, seminary, and his early experience as a priest to figure out these verses.  One of the points he made had me reach for the phone to ask if I could use part of his explanation.  

Jesus is not commanding us to hate family members in the way we understand the word hate today.  Rather, he is telling us to realize who we truly are, and to whom we truly belong. We can say I am a daughter, a son, a teacher, a social worker, a nurse . . . . the list of self-descriptors can go on for pages.  Each of these identities shapes our lives, and perhaps the lives of others,  but none contains the fullness of those lives.  Our true identity grows out of being created in the image of God and being a child of God.  That is the identity out of which our other identities sprout, be they personal, social, professional, or religious.  We must keep in mind that before we assume any of the roles by which we define ourselves, indeed, from the moment of conception, we are sons and daughters of the Father.  Peter's take on this radical nature of discipleship pointed out something I'd never considered or heard.  

When Jesus makes such radical demands of us he is speaking first of all about himself and his own radical discipleship to the Father.  Out of obedience to the Father, Jesus descended from heaven and dwelt among us.  Through that obedience and because of his love for us he died on the cross and brought us forgiveness of sin and the gift of eternal life.  We can only follow Jesus when we carry our own crosses, the crosses that are sure to fall on our shoulders in the future, and the crosses we are bearing now as a result of the loneliness and pain of quarantine, social distancing, and the chaos the country is experiencing.

Another commentator augments Fr. Li's  interpretation when he notes, "This is the second time in Matthew's Gospel that Jesus instructs the disciples that if they wish to follow him, they must take up the cross." This demand tells Jesus' followers, both then and now, that serving the Lord must come before any other purposes in life, before all those identities we carry, since it is through following Jesus that we gain eternal life. 

The second half of today's gospel describes the result of following Jesus.  Only when we have made that radical commitment will we be able to recognize the prophet we are to receive,   We will recognize the righteous only through our discipleship.  And the compassion that compels us to give a glass of water to one of the little ones will grow out of that radical love that gave us the strength to carry the cross in the first place.  
And so it continues . . . . The photos below are from the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.  Wouldn't mind being locked in there for a few days with an unlimited supply of photo cards and lots of battery, or at least both chargers.  Stunning place and a gold mine for photographers.  

Several years ago a Chinese SJ friend visited.  I took him there with no plans for afterwards.  Good thing.  He took photos of all 72 chapels.  We tacitly agreed that we would split up and I could do my own photography.  It was a great day.  Eager to get back there for a Slovenian Mass on the first Sunday of some month.

Show me a chandelier and the camera will be in evidence in moments.

The Shrine of Our Lady of Częstochowa.  Note the small round-framed picture of John Paul II.

Votive lights on the lower level.

.  +Fr. Jack, SJ, MD

1 comment:

  1. Một công ty ra đời chính là kết tinh của rất nhiều nỗ lực tập thể người cùng nhau lao động, vì vậy không ai muốn công việc kinh doanh của mình khó khăn hay thất bại. Trong bất kì một công ty, yếu tố phong thủy luôn được coi trọng và thể hiện rất nhiều, trong đó có bảng hiệu công ty.
    Bảng hiệu công ty là bộ mặt đại diện cho cả một công ty, nó còn thể hiện tính cách, trình độ, đẳng cấp của chính người chủ công ty đó. Ngày nay, con người ngày càng tinh tế và duy tâm hơn, họ đặt ra những yêu cầu ngày càng cao đối với bảng hiệu, chính vì thế bảng hiệu công ty vừa phải đáp ứng được tính thẩm mĩ, độc đáo nhưng lại vừa phải tuân theo những yếu tố phong thủy thuận lợi cho công việc.
    Hiểu được nhu cầu này của hầu hết đa số khách hàng, sau đây công ty quảng cáo Đại Phát xin đưa ra một vài lưu ý nhỏ cho bạn khi thiết kế làm bảng hiệu công ty theo yếu tố phong thủy:
    ốp alu
    ốp tấm alu
    ốp alu giá rẻ
    mặt dựng alu
    ốp mặt dựng alu
    1. Màu sắc bảng hiệu
    Đây là yếu tố dễ dàng bắt gặp nhất trong phong thủy bảng hiệu quảng cáo. Màu sắc bảng hiệu thường là những màu hợp với mệnh của người chủ, nếu nhiều màu thì nên chọn một màu chủ đạo nhất.
    Một bảng hiệu gọi là phong thủy nên gồm từ 3 - 5 màu, 3 tượng trưng cho lớn mạnh, 5 tượng trưng cho đầy đủ. Nếu bạn không biết cách phối hợp các màu sắc lại như thế nào thì hãy cứ yên tâm, vấn đề này những công ty quảng cáo chuyên nghiệp sẽ giúp bạn có được phối màu hài hòa nhất.
    2. Kích thước bảng hiệu
    Đa phần chúng ta chỉ biết kích thước của bảng hiệu phụ thuộc vào vị trí đặt hay kinh phí vốn có để thiết kế bảng hiệu quảng cáo mà không biết rằng những bảng hiệu mà chúng ta nhìn thấy hàng ngày có kích thước dựa trên những yếu tố phong thủy.
    Theo đó kích thước của bảng hiệu cần có sự cân bằng giữa âm và dương. Giải thích dễ hiểu đó là cân bằng giữa chiều dài và chiều rộng, theo đó chiều dài là dương, chiều rộng là âm, các số chẵn là âm, các số lẻ là dương. Ví dụ như chiều dài là 155cm thì chiều rộng là 90.
    làm bảng hiệu
    làm biển hiệu
    làm bảng hiệu alu
