Saturday, January 8, 2022

Baptism of the Lord

Is 40:1-5,9-11

Ps 29:1-2, 3-4, 3, 9-10

Ti 2:11-14; 3:4-7

Lk 3:15-16, 21-22


Those who are familiar with Handel’s Messiah are forgiven if they wish to tune out so as to listen to a private performance of that magnificent work and hear nothing of what I am going to say.  Today's first reading from the 40th chapter of Isaiah makes up a substantial portion of the first part of the Oratorio, sometimes referred to as the Christmas part.  The first verse of the reading from Isaiah:  "Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God," are the first words sung after the overture while the final verse, “He shall feed his flock” brings the first section to a close.  


The  Christmas Season ends today. Tomorrow it is back to green vestments and ordinary time until Ash Wednesday on March 2.   Knowing the audience for the first reading is important to understanding its significance.  It is addressed to an exilic and post-exilic people who had suffered greatly but who now saw their sufferings coming to an end.  Isaiah is reminding the Israelites, as they prepare to return from their exile, that God is still powerful and that He remains loyal to them.  That He offers them comfort and assures them that their time of exile has ended. They will be nurtured and fed with the same gentle attention as a shepherd feeds his flock.  In a world of ongoing viral plague, persistent economic crises, seemingly permanent war, and shattered confidence in many institutions--

including some of the Church's leadership--it is important that we be reminded 

of God’s solicitous care for us.  Yes,  He comes with power;  but He also leads the flock with care.  


The second reading elaborates the promises from Isaiah: “When the kindness and generous love of God our savior appeared, not because of any righteous deeds we had done but because of his mercy. . .”


“Not because of any righteous deeds we had done but because of his mercy . . .” 


We are reminded of God’s generous and wholly undeserved gift of Himself; a gift meant to lead us through the deserts of our lives to eternal life.  God gave us this gift through His only begotten Son who, despite being like us in all things but sin, 

was baptized by John; a baptism described by the ancient historian Josephus as: 

“a consecration of the body implying that the soul was already thoroughly cleansed by right behavior.” 


Jesus’ baptism is an indisputable fact.  All four Gospels give an account of it though, as usual, the details vary across them.  John’s description is particularly unclear.   But, we afford to get bogged down by details such as whether Jesus was baptized by total immersion or through pouring of water over His head.  The only proper focus is the fact and meaning of Jesus’ baptism not the manner of administration.  



There are three understandings of baptism in the New Testament.  The first is the most obvious: washing.  Washing is the literal meaning of the Greek root baptein or baptizein.  For us, that washing includes remission of original sin. But sin was the only human dimension Jesus did not share with us.  He united Himself with sinners but He Himself was free from sin.  


A second New Testament understanding is that of dying and rising.  Jesus’ baptism by John in the Jordan  presaged the baptism of blood He was to undergo on Calvary. As Leon-Dufour notes, Jesus' baptism in the Jordan announces and prepares for His baptism “in death.”  For us the waters of baptism represent dying so as to live again in the peace of Christ.  Leon-Dufour again, “Baptism kills the body in so far as it is an instrument of sin and confers a share in the life of God in Christ.”   We are reminded of this in a particular way at the beginning of the requiem Mass when the body is received into the church with the words: “In the water of baptism he died with Christ and rose with Him to new life. May he now share with him eternal glory.” 


A third understanding of baptism is that of new birth in the Spirit, a very Pentecostal theme.  That theme is apparent in the reading from Timothy: “He saved us through the bath of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit whom he richly poured out on us through Jesus Christ our savior, so that we might be justified by His grace and become heirs in hopes of eternal life.”


Today's readings began with the first line of Handel’s Messiah. Soon I will elevate the consecrated bread and wine, Christ’s particular and real presence and repeat the doxology: “Through Him, with Him, and in Him in the unity of Holy Spirit,  all glory and honor are yours Almighty Father forever and ever.” And in response you will repeat the final word of Handel’s Messiah, a word set to some of the most magnificent music ever written:   




So be it. 


About 11 inches of snow in Boston yesterday, Friday 7 December.  Did some shooting outdoors as well as in the chapel.  The Christmas decorations will most likely be gone by Tuesday.  One last chance yesterday and today.  Will not have the time tomorrow. 

The Jesuit chapel in St. Mary's Hall, the main residence on campus.   Taken through a screen on a confessional

A very wide angle shot from the choir loft.   It took a long time to realize that the ceiling is not perfectly straight across.

A gothic-shaped divider at the back of the chapel.

Wide-angle shot while sitting in the front pew. 

Taken from the loft

Poinsettias on the altar. 

Indoor creche

Outdoor creche as the snow was stopping yesterday.  

Leaving the chapel.  Couldn't let this pass without at least trying to get it.  I rarely shoot moons or stars. 

+ Fr. Jack, SJ, MD

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