Sunday, June 9, 2024

Photos of final vows and ordination. No homily.

Another SJ and I left BC at 10:30 AM Friday with the destination of the BRONX!!!!  We pulled into Fordham University about 5 hours later.  Wretched traffic.  I was the passenger down but split the driving on the way back.  

 A few hours after arriving we attended the final vow Mass for Fr. Patrick Nolan, SJ.  Jesuits pronounce final vows several to many years after ordination.  I hadn't planned on taking my camera but habits are habits and I took the two bodies and two lenses with me.  Thus, I wound up being the official photographer which included standing on pews, walking all over the place, and a few shots with me on the ground . . . . intentionally.  


Pat is one of seven.  He is here with his mom who was celebrating her 89th birthday.  All of his siblings were there as well.  She was delighted.  Not easy to round up seven adult kids.      

Pat preaching.  The homily was most excellent, the parts that I heard.  I can only pay attention to only one thing at a time: camera or homily.  Went with camera.  In general, when I am shooting at a Mass I do not receive communion because I am completely inattentive to what is going on at the altar and not saying the responses. 

Pat with Deacon Chia-yang Kao, SJ.  Chia-yang, whom I've known for 20 years was ordained a priest the following morning.  I was his vesting priest, a significant honor.  It was a delight. 

Unlike most religious orders, Jesuits do not pronounce their vows into "the hands" of the superior at the offertory,  We pronounce final vows during communion, kneeling in front of the elevated Body and Blood of Our Lord,  in imitation of the first Jesuits who did the same. 

The man writes the vow formula in his own hand and then has to read it.  I was close to panic stricken at the prospect.  A left-handed physician reading his own handwriting in public.  Thousands of nurses got their revenge.
Receiving from the cup. 

After the vow Mass the man goes into the sacristy with other Jesuits (only) to pronounce the five 'simple' vows and sign three copies of the documents.

Seventeen years ago today Chia-yang brought the gifts up at my ordination in Boston.

Seventeen years later minus one day I vested Chia-yang for the first time in the stole and chasuble.  His mom took this one as we were in front of his folks.

The reception afterwards.  Now it is Father to Father.

Seventeen years ago on 9 June 2024 Matt Monnig, SJ, Andy Downing, SJ, and I were ordained.  This is just before the end of Mass.  Matt is next to me and Andy is on the end. 
The three of us were at the ordination.  I don't think we've been in shared space in at least seven years.  Arranged in the same order.  Matt made the observation that it has been seventeen years and we are still here. 

Fr. Jack, SJ, MD

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