25 March 2023
Is 7:10-14, 8:10
Ps 40
Hb 10:4-10
Lk 1:25-38
Angelus Domini nuntiavit Mariæ,
Et concepit de Spiritu Sancto
"The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary,
And she conceived of the Holy Spirit."
With rare exceptions spaced many decades apart, the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord always falls during Lent. This solemnity, this feast, is a welcome glimmer of hope during a season of penance and fasting.
We hear the prophecy in the first reading. We hear the fulfillment of that prophecy in Luke's Gospel. We hear Ahaz's stubborn 'no' in the first reading. We hear Mary's perfect 'yes' in the Gospel.
Isaiah narrates God's command to Ahaz that he ask for a sign. Ahaz refused to ask. In His frustration God told Ahaz the sign He would give. The Universe held its breath when the angel appeared in the house in Nazareth, a backwater town of no importance. The angel was to carry news to a young woman living in the house. How would she reply? Is this the time or must the waiting continue?
The angel's appearance in the room startled the young woman. The tension in the universe approached unbearable. God had promised a sign, that the virgin shall bear a son. Is this the time? Is this the woman?
The universe was still. Nothing stirred. All movement halted when it heard the angel's greeting, "Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you."
Clasping its hands in front of its heart, the universe waited for the scene to unfold. "Do not be afraid Mary, For you have found favor with God. You will conceive and bear a son and you shall name him Jesus." The woman appeared puzzled and concerned, as if she were asking herself what the odd greeting meant.
The universe was stilled. Oddly, the anxious anticipation vanished
replaced by a new calm. The look on her face was changing. Wait . . . .
"Ecce ancilla Domini,
fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum."
"Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord,
May it be done unto me according to your word."
The universe changed instantly. It would never be the same. A new calm descended. The prophecy would be fulfilled. The young woman's words
penetrated the very substance of the universe where they would echo forever.
The most important yes in history had just been spoken. And the universe rejoiced. The virgin had accepted her vocation to be the Theotokos, the God-bearer, in fulfillment of the prophecy to Ahaz.
Like us, Mary was endowed with free will. She could have rejected the
vocation the angel presented to her. It seems irreverent to suggest that Mary could have refused. Her decision, however, was not inevitable. It was not forced by God. She was chosen. But she had her own choice and she responded with yes.
Et Verbum caro factum est.
Et havitavit in nobis
"And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us."
Angels rejoiced. Seraphim, Thrones, Powers, and Dominations celebrated.
Mary's life would change. Joseph would soon receive her into his house.
They would soon make the arduous journey to Bethlehem where Jesus would be born of the House of David, once again in fulfillment of a prophecy.
On this great feast the Eastern Church will sing a hymn to the Theotokos,
a hymn to the God-bearer whose reply to the angel enabled the universe to rejoice:
"Receive, O earth,
the glad tidings of great joy.
Heavens, praise the glory of God.
The Theotokos, the God-bearer, the living tabernacle of God
shall not be touched by an unclean hand.
The lips of believers
shall sing to her ceaselessly
with the voice of angels crying joyfully,
Hail full of grace,
The Lord is with Thee."
The Feast of the Annunciation is a particularly important one and a particular favorite for more reasons than I can name. The picture is not one that I took. It is a painting of The Annunciation by Henry Osawa Tanner, an African American painter from Philadelphia whose father was a bishop in the African Methodist Episcopal Church that was founded by Richard Allen. It is the most perfect depiction I've ever seen. Tanner lived most of his life in France.