Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hittin' the Highway

I pick up a rental car tomorrow to transport the things that are too delicate for the van or things needed when I get to Campion.  The movers come on Saturday and Sam and I leave on Sunday (weather permitting, I hate the weather uncertainty of this time of year).

As I survey the carnage in my room it is easy to understand hoarders.  At a certain point the temptation to give up on cleaning up the mess becomes very strong.  I was ready to throw in the towel this morning and simply adapt to the squalor.  There is no food anywhere in the mess but the only way to get around is to follow paths.  The filing cabinet, dresser, closets, and desk are empty.  The top of the desk is chaos as are a few of the corners (no photos included).  I'll get done but certainly won't enjoy it.

Attached are some photos, all but one of them of Campion Center from my visit earlier this year. It will be a wonderful place to take many photos in various lighting conditions and seasons (outdoors).  I will be buying a flash unit and I hope stronger tripod once settled there.

The only non-Campion photo is from the Saturday Flower Market in Taipei.  I wanted one of these "water features" but there was no way to transport it.
The dome of Campion Center (aka Weston-in-the-Woods).  We entered on Sunday 24 August 1997 and went to Campion on Thursday for the first probation.  I decided to go running that day and promptly got lost in the surrounding fields.  Finally, after about two miles of gradually increasing anxiety, the dome popped into view.  I simply ran toward it.
Beneath the dome is a four story rotunda.  The acoustics here and in the chapel are fantastic.  The group Anonymous 4, a quartet of women who recorded medieval polyphonic chant that had quite a ride on the classical charts, recorded their first three albums in the chapel (see the liner notes).
This is a view of the chapel from under the dome.  I've heard a few sacred concerts here.  One of the problems with the house is that if you sneeze under the rotunda someone three floors away yells God Bless You.
This is one of the candelabra chandeliers taken from one of the two lofts in the chapel.
Finally one of the "vest pocket" chapels tucked into the stair landing set up for a private Mass.
Next entries will come from Campion.

+Fr. Jack, SJ, MD

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